Guest author: Natalie Alexander
Sharing her journey as a self-published author is the wonderful Natalie!
Connect with her on Instagram @cruzethewhiteboxer or via her website
Book(s) you have written:
How much do I love you
What inspired you to write your book?
I had always wanted to write a children's book but was unsure what the storyline would be.
I knew I wanted to write a story about our dog Cruze and had lots of ideas. Things all just fell into place with the storyline and words.
I knew Bec had illustrated children's books before and loved her work. It was exciting to work with her.
Do you have a method/process when writing the text?
I was walking along the beach when the ideas came to me, as soon as I got home I wrote them in my notebook. (I keep a notebook with story ideas and themes.) I used Canva for my text.
Was there anything you struggled with?
Trying to upload the images to Ingram Spark and KDP Amazon was a stressful process for me. I decided to use a local NZ printing company and self publish myself.
What were the biggest highlights?
Working with Bec of course ! The process of the book coming to life was the best part.
I initially sent Bec the storyline and what image ideas I was thinking of. I sent her photos of Cruze at the beach and other images.
Bec was amazing, it was exciting when Bec would send me snippets and updates. Her pencil sketches then turned into life, with the watercolour images. It was the highlight of my days receiving these images.
It was wonderful to see Cruze in the book.
Bec helped me when I was having technical difficulties with the computer as well. She was a lifesaver.
Did you have any formal training? Courses or books you may have used?
No, no formal training although at school (many years ago) I enjoyed English and spelling. As part of my day job I write content for our website, and review content.
Do you have any tips for other aspiring authors?
Follow your dreams and do it if I can do it so can you!
Anything extra:
Thanks Bec for all your help and beautiful illustrations.
Without you I wouldn't have such a beautiful book.